10 common Spiders In South Dakota You Should Know


10 Common Spiders In South Dakota You Should Know

Do you want to know more about the spiders that call South Dakota home? Sure, who doesn’t? Spiders are fun to learn about, and they come in so many different varieties that you’ll never get bored learning about them. And as it turns out, even in South Dakota there are some pretty unique species that could easily scare you if you’re not expecting them! Check out this list of common South Dakota spiders to learn more about their appearance, habitat, and behaviors so you’re never caught off guard by one again!

Brown Recluse

The brown recluse is usually between 3/8 and 1-1/2 inches long, with a dark brown violin-shaped marking on its back. A recluse’s legs end in points that often break off, making it hard to identify them unless you’re an expert. These spiders are found only in South Dakota in limited areas of southeast and southwest counties.

Black Widow

These spiders are known for their egg sacs, which remain white until they hatch. Female black widows also have red hourglass markings on their bodies. If you’re bitten by a female black widow, you may experience muscle aches, nausea, and vomiting. Anyone who has been bitten by a black widow should seek medical attention immediately; these bites can lead to serious problems if left untreated. Female black widows tend to live in woodpiles and under rocks or fallen trees.

Hobo Spider

Hobo Spider
Hobo Spider

The hobo spider, Tegenaria agrestis, is named after its tendency to wander, often at great distances from where it originated. It’s not uncommon for a hobo spider to travel 200 miles in search of a new home. As such, it’s frequently found on trains and in shipping containers around major seaports like Seattle and Vancouver. While they prefer cool temperatures and dank environments, they can be found throughout North America—including South Dakota.

Huntsman Spider

The huntsman spider, or a giant crab spider, is a large and active arachnid. They are most common in and around areas with plenty of vegetation where they wait for prey to cross their web. The female huntsman can be distinguished by her bulbous abdomen which is much larger than her cephalothorax. When she becomes too heavy to move efficiently she will lay her eggs on a leaf and then die soon after.

Bark Scorpion

Bark Scorpion
Bark Scorpion

An unusual black-striped spider, it’s known for its slow movements. Bark scorpions have eight eyes, arranged in two rows. They have short legs and a glossy brownish body with a pattern of lighter stripes on their head and thorax. Although venomous, bark scorpion stings aren’t lethal to humans (unless you’re allergic). When threatened by predators or humans, these spiders will try to scare them off by first waving their hind legs in front of them.

Jumping Spider

There are three species of jumping spiders in South Dakota: Phidippus apacheanus (Apache Jumping Spider), Phidippus audax (Bold Jumper), and Phidippus regius (King Jumper). These are all small to medium-sized spiders that have excellent vision, allowing them to navigate using sight alone. Like most other jumping spiders, they’re common where vegetation is thick or dense—such as in forests, gardens, and parks.

Funnel Weavers

Funnel Weavers
Funnel Weavers

Funnel weaver spiders are one of the most common and widely recognized groups of spiders in South Dakota. They have a very distinctive funnel-shaped web (which gives them their name) that they usually spin in bushes or tall grass. These webs are large, strong, and sticky—they are not very easily disturbed by humans.

Wolf Spiders

Wolves are not really seen in South Dakota, but spiders that look like wolves may be. Look out for wolf spiders, which have larger bodies and longer legs than common house spiders. Wolf spiders will bite if provoked, but their venom is weaker than that of most other species of spider.

Winter Spider – Theridion boreale

Winter Spider – Theridion boreale
Winter Spider – Theridion boreale

This spider is 3/8 to 1/2 long. The body color varies, but most individuals have a yellow or tan dorsal stripe and chevron-shaped marks on their abdomen. Although they build their webs in secluded areas (under bark, rocks), these spiders will move around a lot in search of prey. Winter spiders are not aggressive and do not bite humans, but their fangs can break human skin.

Ground Sac Spiders

These spiders are often mistaken for tarantulas. They don’t build webs; instead, they make a silken retreat in which to live and lay eggs. Bites from ground sac spiders can be painful and may contain toxins that can result in localized swelling and sickness, but there are usually no long-term effects. If you think you’ve been bitten by a sac spider, consult a doctor immediately. If possible, take a photo of your assailant for identification purposes.